Thursday 13 December 2012

CanLit for Little Canadians calls Miss Mousie "a charmed read"

This is from the Canlit for Little Canadians Web site, posted December 4, 2012:
... Tim Beiser and Rachel Berman's first collaboration, Bradley McGogg, the Very Fine Frog (Tundra, 2009), resulted in nominations for the Blue Spruce Award, the Chocolate Lily Book Award, the Governor General's Award for Children's Fiction Illustration, and the CBA Libris Award for Children's Picture Book of the Year. And the same sweet rhyming and endearing illustrations are evident in Miss Mousie's Blind Date, making it another charmed read. ...
The perfect collaboration of Tim Beiser and Rachel Berman takes Miss Mousie from crushing on the handsome rat to despairing over his disregard for her and finally to delight, with an ending that will please even those too young to know the pangs of first love but will understand the value of being oneself.
To read the full review, click HERE

1 comment:

  1. Matt LaBatt is such a rat. Miss Mousie definitely deserved better and happily she found it with an unexpected suitor, just as overlooked as she had been. Such a positive message from such roly-poly rodents!

    Glad you liked my review.

    Helen Kubiw, CanLit for LittleCanadian
